I am a historian of modern China. I received my Ph.D. in East Asian Studies from Princeton University and have published on many topics including Chinese conservatism, ethnic minority identities, anti-Americanism, and American soldiers in China after World War II.
Gu Hongming's Eccentric Chinese Odyssey is the first comprehensive study in English of Gu Hongming, both the private individual and the public cultural figure. It examines the controversial scholar's intellectual and psychological journeys across geographical, national, and cultural boundaries in new global contexts. In addition to complicating existing studies of Chinese conservatism and global discussions on civilization around the World War I era, the book sheds new light on the contested notion of authenticity within the Chinese diaspora and the psychological impact of colonialism.
Ed., The United States and East Asian Societies during the Cold War 冷戰時期的美國與東亞社會. Taipei: Showewe Publishing, 2023.
Occupying China: American Soldiers and Chinese Civilians in the Aftermath of World War II. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
“The Debate over ‘Jeep Girls’ in Postwar China” in The Ad Hoc Alliance: Sino-American Relations at the Dawn of the Cold War, eds Judd Kinsley and Zach Fredman. Cambridge University Press, forthcoming.
“Rape in Peking: Injured Woman, Microhistory, and Global Trial.” Gender & History, 2023.
“Gu Hongming (1857-1928): World Thinker and Eccentric Loyalist.” in Creators of Modern China: 100 Lives from Empire to Republic, 1796-1912, eds. Jessica Harrison-Hall and Julia Lovell. Thames and Hudson, 2023.
“Occupational Hazard: American Servicemen’s Sensory Encounter with China, 1945-1949.” Diplomatic History 47, no. 1 (2023).
“Jeep Girls and American GIs: Gendered Nationalism in Post–World War II China.” The Journal of Asian Studies 81, no. 2 (2022): 341–63.
“現代舞之母鄧肯與二十一世紀中國 (Isadora Duncan and Modern China).” 二十一世紀 (Twenty-first Century)184 (April 2021): 45-56.
“约翰中国佬的东方之旅 (John Chinaman’s Journey to the East).” 读书 (Dushu) 11 (2020): 159-167.
"The Shen Chong Rape Case." アジア現代女性史 (Contemporary Women's History in Asia) 11, 2017.
"Escaping Sugamo Prison with a No.2 Pencil: The Drawings of Japanese War Criminal Tobita Tokio." Visual Studies 30, no. 1 (2015): 1-19, co-authored with Lindsey Powell.
"Manufacturing Naxi's Original Ecological Culture in Contemporary China." Asian Ethnicity 16, no. 4 (2015): 549-567.
"The Love Suicide Mystique: Fabricating Authentic Naxi Culture in Contemporary China." Frontiers of History in China 10, no. 3 (2015): 486-512.
"Travel Along a Mobius Strip: Somerset Maugham and Gu Hongming East of Suez." The International History Review 36, no. 1 (2014): 1-18.
"Gu Hongming as a Cultural Amphibian: A Confucian Universalist Critique of Modern Western Civilization." Journal of World History 22, no. 4 (December 2011): 715-746.
"跨国史视野下的东海研究 East Asian Studies in a Global Context." In 世界史中的东亚海域 (East Asian Maritime World in Global History), 211-222. Beijing: Zhonghua Book Company, 2011.
"从归庄看明遗民多样性的生存选择 The Variety of Life Choices among Ming Loyalists: A Case Study of Gui Zhuang." 清史研究 (The Qing History Journal) 4 (2001): 104-6.